Wednesday, 23 December 2009

2 sleeps

I’ve neglected the blog over the last few days mainly because Christmas is just 2 sleeps away and there’s lots to do! Actually, there isn’t that much to do, I’m just lazy and leave it all to the last minute.

Watched Four Christmases last night whilst wrapping the kids presents and everyone else’s. Started at 9, finished at 1am. Not bad going, but we’re only half way through. We had two little visitors at 4.30am, I’m not sure if it’s excitement or not. It’s lovely how they both come in together these days. Noah was swiftly packed back to bed, whilst Matilda had to have some cuddles. But the poor little lady is under the weather. Was sick, not a lot, and not food, just phlegm I think. But it kept her awake and us. So, needless to say, bit tired this morning.

Work wise, there isn’t too much I can get done. Preparations for the Aussie Barbie continue along with organising other ideas such as Guitar Hero, Blind Bowling and Geocaching. It’ll be a big push in January especially for a Marathon-mania project.

Tonight I have a rehearsal, for I am one of the voices for the Crib service tomorrow. Which means I need to run home from work. I feel a little bad that Mrs K will be at home cleaning the house and cooking for G-G’s birthday, but I don’t think it warranted a days holiday!

And then Christmas Day we will wake up at ours. Quite excited to see how the kids react. Usually we’ve been at Grandma and Granddads or in Australia, so to have both kids in our house is a first. I’m quite excited.

And now, for your K family tradition, here’s a quick quiz…

1. Why is the Golden Gate bridge painted Plum colour?
2. In Cluedo, whose murder is to be solved?
3. Which island near Hong King is famous for gambling and motor racing?
4. If you walked one mile south, one mile west, and then one mile north and ended up where you started, where would you be?
5. In which city is Trainspotting set?

Obviosuly, I probably won't update again till the New Year, if I can squeeze one last one in before the end of the century, I will, but until then. It's been a crap year...haha, and 2010 can only be better. So have a very merry Christmas.

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