Friday, 18 December 2009

Spirit of Christmas

I have to be careful, this is the internet and therefore a public blog. And a small reminder, never check your email on your day off. Let's deal with the misery element first. Obviously the bike ride was a week ago and I spent a couple of days taking down signage, it's never a nice job and never pleasant to do it on your own.

But I've just received an email to say it's a disgrace that the signs now litter the Harborne Walkway. Of course, if this is the case, I sincerely apologise, of course, I don't know the state of the walkway (which was already fairly littered last week with usual cans, bottles and refuse, whether it's been resurfaced or not)

It's always the tone of people's emails like that, does a couple of signs really make a big difference in a persons life, have they got nothing better to moan about? Suffice to say, I will try and get out tomorrow, Sunday or at the very least Monday and remove the remaining signs. Another reason why we should have done a road route.

And to end on a high's another comical photo of yours truly.

On a happier note, we got a good a go ahead as we are likely to get in regards to our 'Marathon Mania' project. Thanks to our overseas runners, they are going to run both the London Marathon in April and Norway's very own Midnight Marathon in June. I'll upload some links later, but it's an exciting project and can't wait to tell you all about it, but for now, as I mentioned, it's a day off so let's have some family time.

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